Friday, January 4, 2019

Popular Ontology: Self Classification

Ontology is the study of being, and includes a study of what exists and the various categories or classifications that existing things fall into at the most fundamental level.  While philosophy has traditionally been focused on properties, substances, possible worlds, and other rather abstract ontological entities for categorization, I have noticed that there is a lot of popular ontology these days. These popular ontologies carve up the human race into various kinds (usually four types of some kind), and one can usually find out what one is by taking some sort of online test.

Most tests apply to one's personality in some way, while others relate to one's physicality. Combined, one can gain at least an initial understanding of what sort of body/soul composite one is, and how one is different from the other body/soul composites in one's work, social, and family life.

As my wife and I frequently discuss various schemes of these categorizations and what we each are, I figured a running list might be useful to keep track of them all.  At least so I remember who and what I am...

Here is my popular ontology so far:

  1. INTJ
    • The Architect/Scientist
    • Introverted, intuitive, Thinking, Judging
    • Myers-Briggs
  2. Upholder
  3. 4 (deep thinking, reflective), 3 (active, dynamic)
  4. Melancholic, Choleric
  5. Reformer (1), Investigator (5)
  6. Observer (blue, red/green, yellow)

    1. Yang natural
    2. Dark Winter

    What is your popular ontology?

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