Responses to Objections
(1) Functional claims in biology are intended to explain the existence or maintenance of a trait in a given population;
(2) Biological functions are causally relevant to the existence or maintenance of traits via the mechanism of natural selection;
(3) Functional claims in biology are fully grounded in natural selection and are not derivative of psychological uses of notions such as design, intention, and purpose. (Allen and Bekoff 612).
Trait T is naturally designed to do X if and only if
(i) X is a biological function of T, and
(ii) T is the result of a process of change of (anatomical or behavioral) structure due to natural selection that has resulted in T being more optimal (or better adapted) for X than ancestral versions of T. (Allen and Bekoff 615)For example, we can say that a bird’s wings are designed for flying because “(i) enabling flight is a biological function of birds' wings and (ii) extant morphological forms of such wings are the result of natural selection for variants that were better adapted for flying than earlier forms” (Allen and Bekoff 616).
Since “the design of an entity serves as an instance that fixes the norm of functionality,” a designed entity can be assessed as to whether it is functionally good or bad (Krohs 79). Krohs states that “a component is hypo/hyper-functioning with respect to its contribution to a capacity of an entity with design iff the actual component functions worse/better… with respect to this capacity then the standard one does” ( Krohs 84). So if a particular bird’s wings do not allow it to fly well (compared to the standard wing found in its species), these wings are properly called defective. Similarly, if human beings are not acting (morally) in accordance with the characteristic (ethical) features that humans have (and hence are violating their natural design), we can say that they are (morally) defective in some way. This is all that Aristotelian Naturalists like Foot wish to claim. Consequently, Aristotelian Naturalism accords with contemporary biology and is not employing pre-Darwinian concepts.
Moving to the third objection that evolutionary theory is more compatible with an expressivist meaning of ethical terms, there is nothing that Kitcher has claimed that is necessarily at odds with an Aristotelian Naturalist understanding of moral terms. In fact, many of his claims implicitly rely on the fact that humans have a nature that we ought to act in accordance with. First, notice that the coordination of social behavior will only be successful if the rules that do the coordinating are properly based on human nature. They must reflect truths about human nature, and so by learning them, one does in fact gain knowledge about the sorts of beings that humans are. It is true that “each of us inherits a moral framework from those who socialize us” (Kitcher, “Biology” 175). However, the framework that we inherit has been tested by human nature over thousands of years. It has been refined and is based on what works and what does not work in accordance with our nature. Facts about humans ground moral truths, and so contrary to Kitcher,[21] moral truths do play a role in “constraining the normative systems adopted” since normative systems that are contrary to human nature will ultimately fail (e.g., communism in the former Soviet Union). The system will only be transmitted if it accurately reflects (to a high degree) moral truths, which is to say, only if it accurately reflects and represents human nature. Thus, Kitcher is incorrect in claiming that “the criterion of success [for moral norms] isn’t accurate representation but the improvement of social cohesion in ways that promote the transmission of the system itself” (Kitcher, “Biology” 176).
Second, Kitcher explicitly relies on human nature to support his claims. In his responses to the moral nihilist, he says that by denying the claims of morality the nihilist “is failing to realize his full human potential” (Kitcher, “Biology” 179). But he can only say such a thing if there is a human nature that sets the standard by which we measure whether an individual is achieving his or her potential. Consider what Kitcher says in full against the nihilist:
To repudiate the authority of norms is… to abandon one’s human identity, to prefer to it a nonhuman mode of psychological life… [Consequently,] nihilism begins to look like a psychopathology, a deliberate rejection of part of ourselves. It’s as if the nihilist had decided to abandon the use of some faculty – the ears or the memory – in some exercise of self- mutilation… What’s at issue [then] is whether [the nihilist] can avoid the characterization of [denying moral authority] as an exercise in self-mutilation, an interference with normal human functioning. Nor is this a small excision… but the deletion of a capacity central to human lives. (Kitcher, “Biology” 180-1)
I doubt that an Aristotelian Naturalist could respond to the nihilist any better, for she would make the exact same point that Kitcher does. As such, it is unclear what precisely Kitcher is attacking, for his arguments presuppose such a view of human nature.
Thus, I conclude that Aristotelian Naturalism is not at odds with contemporary biology, and is in fact supported by it to a very significant degree. Each of the objections raised against Aristotelian Naturalism has either mischaracterized the view or has assumed that no simple modification could be made to avoid the objection, and so I have argued that a suitably explained and modified view does answer each of these objections. Consequently, Aristotelian Naturalism is an internally coherent and objectively grounded metaethical theory that is extremely powerful, plausible, and, I believe, persuasive.
Works Cited and Consulted
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[1] McDowell is suspicious of attempting to validate an ethical view purely “on the basis of the facts of nature, on the disenchanted conception of nature yielded by modern science” (McDowell 157). Following his lead, Hursthouse claims that ethical views must be validated “from within an acquired ethical outlook, not from some external ‘neutral’ point of view,” since we cannot get outside of them and because a scientific account of human nature will not get us very far (Hursthouse 165, 193). Instead, an ethical viewpoint can be subjected to scrutiny bit by bit, changing significantly over time through a ‘Neurathian’ procedure (Hursthouse 166). Such a procedure may not completely objectively ground one’s ethical view, but it will show that it is internally consistent and rationally justified. However, I think that Aristotelian Naturalism must attempt to give a completely objective and natural account of morality that is completely justified by natural facts if it is to convince its critics that it is not only a coherent theory, but also a persuasive theory (since critics may hold a contrary view that is also coherent and rationally justified). At best, the ‘Neurathian’ procedure should be a fall-back defense. So, borrowing from Toner, any naturalist project must satisfy four requirements:
(1) Natural norms must be intrinsically able to motivate the bearer of the nature.
(2) Natural norms must be intrinsically able to justify themselves to the bearer of the nature.
(3) Natural norms must be anchored in and express universal human nature.
(4) First and second nature must be related so that the second is a natural outgrowth of the first... (Toner 234-6)
[2] There are many versions of Aristotelian Naturalism. I will lump them together and only make distinctions where necessary. However, I will primarily be using the views given by Hursthouse and Foot.
[3] Hursthouse believes that “’good’, like ‘small’, is an attributive adjective” (Hursthouse 195). Similarly, Foot asserts that “evaluations of human will and action share a conceptual structure with evaluations of characteristics and operations of other living things, and can only be understood in these terms” (Foot 5).
[4] Foot similarly claims that “the way an individual should be is determined by what is needed for development, self-maintenance, and reproduction,” which is what all of the characteristic features of plants and animals directly or indirectly aim at (Foot 31, 33). Some biologists might object that an organism’s traits are ultimately oriented towards gene replication, but it is obvious that at the very least, an individual’s survival and reproduction is an intermediate end and therefore a means to this ultimate end (Hacker-Wright 309).
[5] Similarly, an individual’s “goodness or defect is conceptually determined by the interaction of natural habitat and natural (species-general) ‘strategies’ for survival and reproduction” (Foot 42).
[6] It is important that this is characteristic freedom from pain. For example, for animals that characteristically feel pain upon receiving tissue damage, the lack of pain would be a defect.
[7] As Foot similarly writes, “human defects and excellences are similarly related to what human beings are and what they do” (Foot 15).
[8] Humans may have a different fundamental kind other than being primarily animals (e.g., souls, psychological persons, brains). However, I doubt if any substantial changes to the meaning of our moral terms would depend on this change since the psychological and physical characteristics of what we are are present in each kind.
[9] Notice that our rationality does not need to explain everything that we do. Kitcher seems to assume that by making rationality a characteristic feature of human nature that it must explain everything about us, and since “the most consistently rational members of our species also do a host of things that aren’t explicable in rational terms [(e.g., breathe, blink, flinch)]” then rationality cannot be a defining feature of humans (Kitcher, “Essence 74). However, our rationality only needs to explain many or most of our actions, especially in comparison to other living things, for it to be a distinctive feature of our species.
[10] Hursthouse is not alone in stressing the importance of our rational faculties. Foot marks the distinction between animals and humans by saying that, “while animals go for the good (thing) that they see, human beings go for what they see as good” (Foot 56). That is, humans assess things as good based on whether they have reasons to obtain or do them, whereas animals do not abstract away to a concept of ‘good’ nor reflect on reasons for obtaining or doing something. Alexander attributes to Nussbaum the view that practical reason is an “architectonic principle that organizes the whole life, providing for its many activities” and which turns basic functionings that we share with plants and animals into human functionings by making them “parts of a life organized and infused by practical reason” (Alexander 176). Finally, Toner interprets MacIntyre as claiming that “the power most distinctive of human beings as a species is, of course, rationality” (Toner 237). Clearly, our capacity for rationality is the most important fact about our human nature.
[11] Similarly, Foot observes: “there is so much diversity in human beings and human cultures that the schema of natural normativity may seem to be inapplicable from the start” (Foot 43).
[12] McDowell claims that, “with the onset of reason, then, the nature of the species abdicates from a previously unquestionable authority over the behavior of the individual animal” (McDowell 154). While he, Foot, and Hursthouse are worried that this leaves “the individual interest of the deliberator looking like the only candidate to take over the vacant throne,” I do not think this is a problem (McDowell 154). If it is in the best interest of humans to be moral, then humans should be (properly) self-interested.
[13] One cannot question the use of reason. To ask, “why should I be rational?” is to seek a reason for seeking reasons, and so the very question presupposes the importance of rationality (Foot 65).
[14] Hursthouse points out that many smokers live to a ripe old age. Still, we can confidently say that smoking will likely lead to a shortened and unhealthy life, due to the fact that there is a well-established link between smoking and a shortened and unhealthy life. To disprove the claim that the virtues do not benefit their possessor, “what is needed… is not just a few cases, but a clearly identifiable pattern” that the virtues actually harm their possessor (Hursthouse 174).
[15] Biological altruism: “an organism A acts altruistically toward another organism B just in case A’s action increases B’s reproductive success while diminishing A’s own reproductive success” (Kitcher, “Biology” 166).
[16] Psychological altruism: “a tendency to adjust one’s desires, plans, and intentions in light of one’s assessment of the desires, plans, and intentions of others, the adjustment consisting in bringing one’s own attitudes closer to those attributed to the others (closer in the sense that the altruist comes to have wants, plans, and intentions with a content that is favorable to the other’s achieving or fulfilling his wants, plans and intentions)” (Kitcher, “Biology” 170).
[17] Examples of homeostatic mechanisms for species include “unique common evolutionary origin” (Rieppel 34), “social roles” (Boyd 153), “gene exchange between certain populations and reproductive isolation from others, effects of common selective factors, coadapted gene complexes and other limitation on heritable variation, developmental constraints, the effects of the organism-caused features of evolutionary niches” (Boyd 165), and other “historical relations among the members” (Magnus 8).
[18] Teleology has become naturalized when it does not “involve the goals or purposes of a psychological agent” (Allen and Bekoff 611).
[19] Allen and Bekoff quote Kitcher as claiming that “the function of an entity S is what S is designed to do” (Allen and Bekoff 611).
[20] Allen, Bekoff, Krohs, and Millikan are just a few.
[21] (Kitcher, “Biology” 176).
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